Street Art Project

I went out with a sign that I made that was designed like a “My Name Is” sticker and sat next to the sign saying nothing. The sign was my own name tag, and therefore my way of saying hello. I sat outside (luckily on a 75 degree day) and when people approached, intrigued, I would simply say hello. If they asked what I was doing, I was more than happy to explain to them that they could participate in my art project, and that my audience interaction was the “street art” part of the project. I then asked them if they could take a photo with the sign. Only one person refused.

I told every person they were more than welcome to put anything they wanted on the stickers, yet other than real names, I mostly got fake names and words. For all the different colors and types of markers I provided, I was surprised that nobody really tried to make a drawing. It was fun, though, meeting all different types of people in the process of making this board. The song in the video I created of all of the people involved with the project is  “Electricity” by Lee Foss, MK, and vocal support from Anabel Englund. I chose the Acoustic version of the song because it focuses on the vocals. The song is all about connectivity between individuals, and her voice is captivating to say the very least.

This project was very fun for me from start to finish.

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